Weigh in Wednesday Link up

A couple of months ago when I wrote this post, I was really serious about getting healthy.
I have started to change several of my bad habits and now that the New Year has arrived,
I am even more determined to not become a statistic. 

I read a week or so ago that 95% of people who make a resolution to lose weight will fail.
Well not me!
I am not letting me fail myself again,
and I am on my way to a new me!

I asked Shantel to host Weigh in Wednesday with me because like me, she' been working to make a new her. She is not only a great friend of mine, she is a great friend that I know IRL! It's nice to have support and even better to have someone who really knows you, your strengths and struggles and can help you through them.

That's partly why I wanted to share everything on this blog. I want to be real because it's not easy for everyone. And like a lot of people, I will have ups and downs. I will tell you if I drank a soda, or ate half a bag of Hershey's kisses.

A couple of ways I am starting is by doing these exercises:
Of course I found this on Pinterest. Check out my Fitness board for levels 1, 2 and 3 of this workout as well.
I'm starting this today, and then will be working on the next levels as I get to them. I also have reserved a copy of 30 Day Shred from my library and will start that once it becomes available.

Another thing is drinking even more water. I've already limited soda/coffee and it's helped.
I'm also tracking what I eat at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/


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