We are as prepared as we are going to be for Tyler to get here, so now it's about trying to relax, and enjoy our last days as a family of 3. The weekend before last we ventured up to Greenbluff- a place I never miss a chance going to- and got our pumpkins. I also enjoyed some huckleberry ice cream, and we got some apple cider. YUM! It was a pretty rainy day so we didn't hang around for too long, but I was worried that if we didn't go then, we might not get the chance. It was a nice day though.
Also I have really been wanting to paint my stomach like a jack-o-lantern beings we are going to have a fall baby. This is something I wanted to do with Nicki, but we didn't get to since her pumpkin came a week early! so we finally got some paint and here is the result!
This was pretty much my last project to do before the baby gets here.
It is amazing to me that I am 38 weeks pregnant. I will have a new baby boy as of this Friday and it is so surreal. I am so excited for Tyler's arrival. And nervous too, of course! After watching my best friend in pain after having her c-section I am not quite as excited for that. I think I was hoping to forget the pain that occurs afterward until it actually happened. Though I still have ZERO interest in birthing this baby the "natural" way..... NO THANK YOU! I know it will be okay, and because I have been through it I am aware of the process but it's still natural to have those concerns.
I really am just excited to get Tyler here, and have him home, and start our daily routine. Luckily I will have Travis home with me for the first 6 weeks, and it will be great for all of us!
So this Friday, if not sooner Tyler will be making his appearance. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers!
Zach is doing great in school and adjusting pretty well. They are working hard in science learning about airplanes, rockets, etc. Right now we are working on an airplane project that is of course due while I will be in the hospital! But Zach had to design an airplane, based on certain criteria, which we have built and now just need to write up the written part of the assignment. They will be flying their planes next week and Trav will hopefully video record it for me to see! He also is doing great as always in reading! Takes after his mama and grandma! And is looking forward to his Halloween party and trick or treating!
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