29 week bumpdate!

How far along: 29 weeks people! Ten weeks from today I will be holding my
sweet little boy or girl!

Total weight gain: 18 pounds... so that's down 2 pounds from last week

Sleep: Once I fall asleep it's not terrible...
But my lower back hurts so bad that I wake up just from turning over.

Gender: We are Team Green, So we'll find out in September!

Names: I am set on 2 names. Travis however, cannot commit so he
is still saying we don't have it narrowed down for certain...
but really, we do! :) (At least, I do!)

Stretch marks:  Ya, those little spots I mentioned last week have grown a tiny amount.
So this baby is adding stripes to their mama tiger! :)

Best moment this week: Besides seeing Channing Tatum bare just about all.... and getting
my Kindle.... Summer has arrived in my neck of the woods... Finally, right? It's only July!
Today we should be hitting about 100 and I am excited! I look forward to sneaking outside for a
few minutes while Tyler is napping to get a little sun!

Movement: I love this point in pregnancy when your entire stomach starts
going lopsided because of baby's movements! This baby is entirely up under my ribs,
and some part of them likes to poke out just to the right of my belly button.

Food cravings: Corn on the cob, corn on the cob and more corn on the cob!
I feel like I could eat it for every meal!

Labor signs:
Nope, nothing. Not even Braxton Hicks. 

Belly button - innie or outie: in

What are you looking forward to this week: Hanging out in the sunshine!
Seeing my sister and her family this coming weekend! 

Health: I am feeling good! I really have no complaints!
I actually tried on my wedding ring yesterday and could put it on!
I didn't keep it on for fear that my swelling would come back but considering last week
I couldn't get it over my knuckle, I was happy that the swelling has gone down!

I never heard back on my glucose test... so I'm guessing I passed!
I go back to the Dr. on 7/18 then after that it will be every two weeks!
Love, love, love how fast these weeks are going!


  1. How exciting it's getting so close!!! Have a great week my friend!!

  2. Glad to hear you're feeling well! I'm starting to count down the doctor visits at this point :)

  3. Look.at.that.belly! I love it :) I am earning some "tiger stripes" too. Ohh it'll be so worth it.


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