The countdown is on!
I cannot believe we have only 17 days (or less) until this little baby is here! I have been working hard to get things done, and I've done well.I have very little left to do, and that makes me pretty happy!Car seat has been installed, Tyler's car seat had to be moved over.Baby hospital bag is packed, complete with boy and girl stuff. Unfortunately, This is NOT everything that is in the bag. I want to wait to show the going home outfits, and I have a few gender neutral outfits too. Because I will be in the hospital for at least 2-3 daysI need to have more clothes than just a going home outfit. Freezer meals are NOT made... And here is why....I have a couple of things made up and in the freezer for the first few days.But other than that I decided that I will just keep the pantry/fridge stocked forTravis to make meals -- because he will be home for at least the first 4 weeks, if not 6.And then before he heads back to work I will then make the freezer meals.After being reminded about how much harder it was to make meals once Travis wentback to work, I thought it would be worth it to wait. Baby swing is set up,bouncy chair is set up,cradle is up and in our room,new double stroller is purchased and set up,Tyler trying out the front seat. And he cried when it was time to get out! I love that with this stroller their are multiple ways that the kids can be in here, and I'm thinking that I will keep Tyler in the front half, and the baby in the second half because then I can see both of their faces,where as with putting Tyler in the front, he faces forward and then I can only see the baby. But once they get here I will try out a few things and see what works best! My hospital bag is not packed, but my toiletries are packed and ready to be put in my bagand I will probably start putting things together this weekend. Since a lot of the things I'll be packing are things I use everyday, it's hard to pack them now.But I do have a list of what will go in the bag so that if we have to throw things in last minute, atleast I have something to guide me or Travis! What do you have for me? I'm sure their are things I am missing, but what can you think of that I might still need to do? (I don't want to miss anything!)

What is on your list of things to pack for your bag? I am working on packing my bag and having a hard time knowing what is absolutely necessary and what is not so necessary. I sort of don't want to over pack, and since we live 3 mins from hospital I can always send the husband home to get stuff after the baby is here.