Resolutions in Motion- Round 2 complete!

For the past 6 weeks I have been participating in the Resolutions in Motion challenge. You can read about about mine here, but basically I was planning to get 6 pinterest projects made. And guess what? I did it! 

I have a board for projects I want to make priority so I picked 6 that I thought would be great to do in this first round. 

Here are my final projects:

These last two things are linked to the original Pinterest project. My camera is having some issues and any picture since the 13th is gone. That might not seem like a long time, but for me that was my 30th birthday, Valentine's day and my baby's 5 month birthday. So I'll get more pictures of these two projects soon and blog about them. 

To the moon sign - This was my inspiration but I changed it up to reflect the saying that my 10 year old and I've said to each other since he was just a little guy.

ETA: My completed version of the To the moon sign and Passport To Love

I was surprised at how many projects I got done. Besides these 6, I have 4 more that are part way done. Looking forward to getting them done too! I also had a little Valentine's day project that Tyler and I did together that maybe I can get up later today and made several recipes! It's been a productive 6 weeks!

 photo siggy.jpg

1 comment :

  1. Congratulations - that's a serious pinsiprational goal. I still keep pinning then not using. I am off to check out your links now. Thank you so much for taking part!

    Rosie xo


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