What do I do?

I planned to jump on the Blog everyday in May bandwagon from day one but knew I wouldn't be able to use all the prompts because I had other things planned, but here is my first day .... I hope you'll join in!

If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question, 'what do you do'?

I am a mom.
a wife. 
a crafter.
a milk supplier.
a DIYer.
a goodnight cuddler.
a cook in training.
a point and shoot photographer.
a book reader.
a home work helper.
a scrapbooker.

There are so many thing that "I do" that I couldn't possibly name them all. But I am grateful for everything I get to do!

 photo siggy.jpg

1 comment :

  1. Ohh I'm late to this party as well! It's such a good idea since I usually only get 3 to 4 posts up a week!

    Don't forget to enter my sunglasses giveaway!


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