Weigh in Wednesday

It's been almost a month since I've checked in, so here I am.

I'm still going, but some days are slower than others. I hit a plateau and boy are those things discouraging, but I'm still going. And some days the thought of running in the cold morning is super discouraging, but I'm really trying to get out there, kids bundled up and all!

I've lost 4 more pounds and that brings me to 28 pounds. I'm down another half inch at my bust and waist and my hips are the same. And with the gall bladder issues I've been having, eating a lot of fat just isn't happening, though those foods are still around some, and hard to avoid, but I'm trying to just not eat a lot and keeping the fruits and veggies and good snacks around.

As far as clothing goes, I'm basically living in leggings. None of my size 18 pants- that were tight at the time- fit anymore. Of course that's a good thing! I recently pulled out a tote of old clothes that I saved and haven't worn in years. Like, none of the clothes in the box have been worn since before my husband and I were even dating, almost 7 years ago! But I pulled out a pair of pants a while back, so I had one pair of jeans. And this past weekend I was able to pull out two more pairs, both of which are size 13/14 and fit great!  I still have no desire to buy new jeans, knowing I still have 34 pounds to go, so the old jeans and leggings will have to continue to work!

So here was my progress before:
Weigh in Wednesday

And here I am now- Basically 120 days out:
Weigh in Wendesday

I guess I never expected to lose the weight quickly, so I'm just glad that it's still coming off, plateau and all. I just have to push through and make myself continue to exercise and eat good. Once I get on my run, or start doing my exercises as home I am fine, but it's that getting going that is always hard!

As always, check out Weigh in Wednesday to see where I started.

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