Last month, Summer turned three. Ya, I said it. Summer is three.
Each year the time flies quicker and quicker and I feel like I've been robbed of these baby years. Where did they go? How did she get so big so fast?
Today I wanted to share a little about my girl who I call #LucyLou
I have to say that looking around my house is pretty bittersweet. You won't find a crib, a binky, no diapers and wipes filling my dresser, not even a potty chair. Summer graduated into a toddler bed at the beginning of summer, and she lost her binky, so we just went with it. She asked for it for several days but then stopped and we have been binky free ever since.
In July I decided to try a little experiment with potty training, after talking with a friend, and it worked. Not one single night time accident since the day we started, and no day time accidents since the first week! I'll be sharing more in another post soon!
She has the biggest, darkest brown eyes. And chubby cheeks. Beautiful blondish brown hair that sits about the middle of her back. She wears it in a partial pony most days because her hair goes straight forward into her eyes.
I have a girl who loves to eat. Pretty much anything, she's not too picky. And she is still on the petite side of the scale, somehow.
She loves to sing. She requests "Bruno Mars" and "Bout that Bass" every.single.night when I tuck her in. And "Itsy Bitsy Spider", can't forget that one!
She is an insane water drinker. She will choose water over anything and has to take a cup with her to bed every night.
She loves to read books. Or have books read to her, actually. Between me, Travis and Zachary, someone is always reading to her.
She is a lover of all things BABY. She loves her baby dolls and is a good little mama to them. She also loves every baby that we see, whether one of our friends, or a baby at the store. You will typically hear her say something like, "awwww, it's a baby" or "Look at that cute baby" or maybe "That baby is so cute". It doesn't stop. She just loves babies.
She is a cuddler. She is a hugger, a kisser, a lover. And just such a sweet, sweet girl.
But she has her moments. When she is mad she will scream at the top of her lungs. She will yell and growl and has quite the little temper.
She is so strong willed. She wants what she wants.
She loves the park and loves the slide. But it's hit and miss whether she will go down it by herself or not. Sometimes she is so excited to go on it, gets to the top and then requests someone to go with her.
She named her fish "No Name" because when I asked her what she wanted to name it she kept saying "I forget". She finally told me that her fish was No Name. So we went with it.
She loves anything Mickey Mouse, especially Road Rally on Netflix. Also, she loves Baby's Day Out. I'll admit, I had never heard of this show until she picked it out quite a while back. I couldn't hardly get her to sit through 15 minutes of Daniel Tiger, but she'll watch Baby's Day Out in it's entirety.
She blows the funniest kisses. She used to do it the "normal" way, but now, out of no where, she does this:
[video width="1080" height="1920" mp4=""][/video]
She can't resist a fish kiss. If you present her with fish lips, she will kiss them.
She is a non stop chatter box. She talks super clear and full sentences and says things that I am constantly wondering where in the world she learned that.
She loves having her hair done. She loves getting it washed, combed, having a pony, or pig tails, or letting me experiment with different hair styles. I love having a girl!
She totally melts my heart when she climbs up in my lap and tells me, "you're my bestie". It is basically the best thing ever!
I can't ever get over what a big girl she is. She is so independent and does everything for herself. I am so grateful for this girl and she makes me so happy to be her mom.
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