Turning everyday moments into #FeelGooder Moments with Zone Perfect

I feel like so often people think that they have to get or receive something in order to feel good. Something has to be "happening" for them to feel good. But that is not true. Sure, those times when someone does something nice for you it does make you feel good and maybe even make you want to pay if forward. But why wait until someone does something for you? Why not start that chain yourself?


Everyone wants those moments that make them feel good about themselves, about their relationships, about their life choices.

A few of my favorite things are:

Getting a pedicure
Getting my hair cut and/or colored
Eating healthy food
Going to a movie with the kids
Having a date night with my husband

You get the drift, yes?

But what about even smaller moments? The #FeelGooder moments?

Like eating healthy food and starting my kids off on making good food choices while they are young.
Buying the persons coffee that is in line behind me.
Renting a movie and eating popcorn on the couch with my husband and kids.
Or coloring in a coloring book with the kids.
Making a holiday countdown.
Making holiday treats to share with our friends and family.
Filling a paper bag with food and toiletries to donate to a shelter.

If you ever look on Pinterest you have probably seen something called a "Blessings Bag". It is where you take a Gallon size bag (or something similar) and you fill it with items that a homeless person could use. With it getting colder rapidly in the Pacific North West it is a great time to donate items to the shelter, or if you see a person on the side of the road asking for help. So I decided to put together some of these little bags to help out people in need.


Some of the items I decided to put in my bag include:

Shaving cream
Chap stick
Hand Sanitizer
Body Wash
Granola Bars
Hair ties
Face wash

I will also be adding brand new socks and some cotton gloves, but I didn't have any to show for my picture.

Blessings Bag

One thing I wanted to add in was Granola bars.

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While I think any kind would be great, I picked the Perfectly Simple because of the ingredients in them and because they are packed with protein while still lower calorie to help keep you full for longer. They are individually wrapped which are perfect to put a couple inside of a Blessings Bag. And they come in four great flavors:

 Almond Toffee Crunch
• Bing Cherry & Almond
• Oatmeal Chocolate Chunk
• Roasted Cashew & Dark Chocolate

I have tried all 4 flavors and I will say that the Oatmeal Chocolate Crunch is the best!!

Want a coupon to get $1 off of your own Perfectly Simple granola bars? Get it HERE!

What do you do to create #feelgooder moments in your life?

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