Goulash and Mini Spaghetti cups

In my house, we are all pretty big on pasta (Except Tyler). We eat spaghetti or lasagna weekly basis and when I came across these fun Mini Spaghetti Cups I was sure they would be a hit with the kids.
Zach and Summer both loved them, but Tyler just isn't much a pasta fan. I can get him to eat it once in a while, but not regularly. And hey, if the kids doesn't want the extra carbs, I don't want to force it!

For spaghetti cups:
  • 1 lb small pasta (I used penne)
  • 1 lb hamburger- browned
  • 1 can/jar of your favorite spaghetti sauce
  • shredded mozzarella and parmesan cheese
  1. Preheat oven to 350.
  2. Line your cupcake pan with foil liners
  3. Mix together all ingredients, fill 12 liners (the rest you'll use for the goulash- or you can just make extra spaghetti cups)
  4. Bake for 15 minutes
  5. Let cool completely before freezing/ remove foil before reheating
So easy, right? My favorite part is just grabbing them out of the freezer one or two at a time to heat up with the kid's lunches. And Zach liked them so much that I think I will make some more right before school starts because they would be a great addition to his lunch.

Then with the left overs, if you didn't use it all to make the mini spaghetti cups you can make this goulash. When I made mine I didn't have any sour cream so I mixed some cream cheese and some milk until I got the sour cream consistency and it worked out. I think the cream cheese is a little sweeter or something, but it worked out fine and tasted delicious.

For Goulash:
  • Use the rest of the spaghetti cup mixture
  • 1/4 c. sour cream
  • 1/2 c. shredded cheese
  • Additional veggies to taste
  1. Mix all ingredients together and empty into 2 aluminum pans
  2. Add foil to cover 
  3. Cook on 350 for 45-60 minutes if frozen
Recipe from Ring Around the Rosies

Do you make special toddler lunches? I'm always looking for new ones for the kids, what are your favorites?

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