So we got to the airport, got through security and waited for boarding. The flight to Seattle is quick, at less than 45 minutes. We are ready for Maui!
Beautiful view above the clouds as the sun rose.
And a still dark Seattle about to come to life.
We used the bathroom, got coffee, walked around killing time, not quite paying enough attention to time. We walked toward our gate as we hear the "final boarding" announcements and they said, "Oh, you must be Travis and Kate, looks like we were just waiting for you!" Oops! Luckily not everyone had made it on yet so we felt a little less bad as I walked on the plane with my big Starbucks drink knowing I wasn't actually holding everyone up! Now we are heading back up in the clouds for a little ride to Sacramento.
Sunrise in Seattle
A little view of Mt. Rainier
Now we stopped quick in Sacramento and got off to take a bathroom break but hopped right back on the same plane and off we go! These are our "we're going to Maui" faces!
Our last view of land. Yes, I was a bit freaked out as this was my first flight over water. Travis sat next to the window so when I looked out I only saw sky and I just pretended that was all that was out there.
Our first view of Maui! We are almost there! Both of us slept a little on the plane but I had a chatty lady next to me so my sleep was less.
We are HERE. It was sort of fun to get to Maui, have a guy waiting there with a sign with our names on it, and beautiful Leis. Practically as soon as we landed we could feel the heat, the moisture, smell the fresh salty air. We just wanted to get to the beach!
View out the front of the airport, waiting to get into our shuttle.
It was a 40 or so minute drive from the airport to our hotel and that drive was so worth it when we got checked in and saw this view from our room.
We wasted no time. We headed down to the little store at the hotel and got some beer, water and snacks for our room, then headed to look around.
Since we hadn't eaten much all day (because I refuse to use the airplane bathroom) we were super hungry. We ate a little cheese and fruit platter on the plane, and a Mai Tai right before we landed, and it was time to eat some Maui food. As you can see below, I had myself another Mai Tai.
I had a pretty delicious serving of Mahi Mahi Fish 'n Chips with an interesting (but good) spicy tarter and coleslaw.
Then we walked down to put our toes in the water. This view is so amazing and I could stare at it all day. I told Travis that I could move here and waitress, or drive a shuttle, or whatever I had to do to see this view everyday. The water was such an amazing color and after the initial shock of the water touching my skin, I realized just how really warm the water actually was. Plus, this was my first REAL swim in the ocean, where I actually got all the way in, sucked in who knows how many mouthfuls of saltwater, but enjoyed every moment of it.
Not a bad way to wrap up our afternoon, sitting on the beach, sipping a Mai Tai, staring out into the sea.
Day one of your trip looks like so much fun, well besides the flying! I hope the rest of your trip is this much fun!