This year Tyler and Summer wanted separate birthday parties and because they have had joint parties for the last couple of years (farm party, carnival) I thought we'd go with it.
And since practically every little boys is obsessed with Batman, that is what he chose.
It all started with an invite I found online and attempted to make my own.
I found all sorts of cool ways to arrange balloon on Pinterest.... and then I ran out of time and thankfully my 14 year old son helped me put them up.... at least they're up!
Everything had to be Yellow and Black and was EASY to put together.
We had lots of fun and this kid was so excited about his cupcake! He picked out the blue frosting because it was "so cool"
I wanted to make a light lunch/snacks and it all worked out great. It was the perfect amount and I think the kids enjoyed the treats!
Bugles = Cat Woman Claws
Sandwiches = Bat Wiches
Pigs in a Blankets = Robins Roll Ups
Boneless Wings = Bat Wings
Hawaiian Punch/7up = Joker Juice
I wanted to make masks and capes as well. I attempted to make these masks with my Cricut but I had some trouble with it cutting felt! That is a setting I have never tried before and I should have practiced before hand! I also made THESE CAPES that turned out great and the kids loved them!
Cutest little bat girl around!
I used poster board and attempted to make a Batman. Don't judge! haha! I painted it up then I used my cricut to cut out little bats that the kids used to "Pin the bat on Batman". Sorry for this terrible grainy picture! Tyler's party day turned out to be a rainy mess of a day and I was glad that I had planned for it to be mostly inside!
Love all these little Bat kids! So grateful for friends taking time from their day to celebrate my Tyler turning 6!!
And I made this fun picture to put in a frame on the table! And it is a PRINTABLE! Click the picture to get the downloadable link!
Tyler had such an awesome 6th birthday!
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